Appearance of Lord Varahadeva

Varahadeva is Krishna's boar incarnation. He assumed the form of a boar to lift the drowning planet Earth from the Garbhodaka Ocean with His tusks. The demon Hiryanyaksha had thrown the planet Earth into this ocean, but the Lord stabbed the demon with His tusks and saved the Earth.

Gaudiya Vaisnavas observe all visnu-tattva appearance days along with special fasting. Sometimes these days come next to each other or next to an Ekadasi or Dvadasi tithi which is meant for fasting. This happens every year somewhere in the world for Lord Varaha Dvadasi and Lord Nityananda Trayodasi, but not at all locations due to different sunrise times. The way Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami recommends to observe these Vaisnava festivals, for example, Ekadasi, Sri Varaha-dvadasi, and Sri Nityananda Trayodasi is as follows: In countries or cities where the first day is Ekadasi which is suitable for fasting, the second day is the appearance of Lord Varahadeva, and the third day is the appearance day of Lord Nityananda (Nityananda Trayodasi): Those who follow nirjala Ekadasi (full fasting, even from water) may break fast with a drop caranamrita after the worship of Lord Varahadeva and continue fasting on Lord Varaha Dvadasi if desired (depending on health) or Those who follow anukalpa (drinking water or respecting Ekadasi preparations) on Ekadasi tithi on the next day they should first offer arati to Lord Varahadeva, pray for forgiveness*[see endnote 1], and then break the fast* [see endnote 2] with grains and continue to respect regular prasadam (grains and all other offerings).. Then, on the third day - Sri Nityananda Trayodasi - devotees should fast until noon, then take Ekadasi preparations observing the Ekadasi rules and regulations. (Sometimes, but very rare and not recommended, a Vasinava may do nirjala fasting on all three days breaking fast the second two days with a drop of caranamrita and with grains the day after Sri Nityananda Trayodasi.)

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