Ekadasi Can Fulfill All Desires

Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja

Turnbridge, England: July 9, 1999

You know how delicious Jagannatha prasadam is. The pandas (priests) of Jagannatha's temple brought some prasadam to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who was performing kirtana with His associates: Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. In general, the pandas and others in Jagannatha Puri don't observe Ekadasi. They think they have 'tightened the legs of Ekadasi-devi and tied her upside down on the branch of a tree' so that no one would have to observe Ekadasi. They say, "This is the glory of mahaprasada, that even on Ekadasi, Janmastami, and Rama Navami, you have no need of special fasting. You can take prasada, and after that you can take betel-nut, and sometimes cigarettes; no harm. And just go on chanting, "Jagannatha, Jagannatha, Jaya Jagannatha." The pandas considered, "If the Gaudiya bhaktas from Bengal, and Vaisnavas from other parts of India, come here on Ekadasi, then our maha-prasadam will not sell and our business will go down. Also, if all of them are observing Ekadasi and we are not, they will laugh at us." For these reasons the pandas offered Mahaprabhu Jagannatha's maha-prasadam on Ekadasi. They thought He would be in a dilemma, and would then take it. What did Mahaprabhu do? He said, "We should not dishonor maha-prasadam, nor should we dishonor Ekadasi." Then, with all His devotees, He began to perform kirtana again, offering prayers and dandavat pranamas to the maha-prasadam from so many Vedas, Upanisads, so many Puranas, and Srimad-Bhagavatam for the entire night.

Maha-prasada is Himself Krsna: maha-prasade govinde nama-brahmani vaisnave svalpa-punya-vatam rajan visvaso naiva jayate ["Those who have very few pious activities to their credit can never develop faith in maha-prasada, in Sri Govinda, in the holy name of the Lord, or in the Vaisnavas." (Skanda Purana)] Those who are not fortunate cannot honor maha-prasada with the understanding that it is Govinda Himself, as they cannot understand that Krsna has invested all His power, opulence, mercy, and everything in His name. The holy name of Krsna is Krsna Himself, and maha-prasada is Krsna Himself, and the pure Vaisnavas are also non-different from Krsna. There is a special power in them. We should not neglect them. Mahaprabhu spent His entire night in such glorification. Then, at 4am He went to Svargadvara, to the ocean. There He took bath, then returned to His place and performed acamana, put on tilaka, and did ahnika. Even though He is Krsna Himself, He was doing this. Why was He remembering Krsna? His heart is that of Radhika, so He remembered, "Krsna, Krsna." After performing His morning duties, He offered pranama and took prasadam, and then He went for darsana of Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra. He did not see Jagannatha, Baladeva, and Subhadra, however. He only saw Vrajendra-nandana. He was just about to faint, but He was caught by Candanesvara, the son of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. Sarvabhauma had told his son, "Always go to the Jagannatha temple with Mahaprabhu, and when He is about to faint, you should protect Him from the fall." We should try to observe Ekadasi in this way – not taking so many times water, juice fruit, milk, and so on. If you are young and healthy, you can go the whole day and night without taking anything, even water. If you cannot do this, then you can take one time in the afternoon or evening. If you are sick or weak, then you can take something small, two times a day, to maintain your life so that you can chant, "Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna." More concessions have been given for Western devotees because they are weaker in body. Otherwise, they are very strong. I have seen so many Western devotees, especially lady devotees, who fast the entire day and night and not sleeping. There are so many benefits from observing Ekadasi. In colleges, hospitals and all work places, we see that leave is given for students and workers once a week so they can take rest, and the next day they can work with full energy. Otherwise, they would not be able to continue their activities over the years. They must take some rest. This is also true regarding our stomach. In our stomach there are some bacteria that are helpful for our health. These bacteria are always working for our digestion, so if they become sick or tired, then you will become sick. We should try and give them rest for one day at least, so that the next day they will work again with great energy. Secondly, you see that in the ocean, especially from Ekadasi to Purnima, there are very large waves. This is because the moon attracts all the waters of this planet. Wherever there is water, the moon attracts it. In our body there is much water, and especially on Ekadasi day the moon will attract it; if there is any disease, that disease will increase so much. It is best that we check these things, especially grains, corn, wheat, and things made by them. It has been said that sometimes you can take water, and there is no harm in that. If you put water on a stone, the stone will at once become dry again; all the water will disappear. On the other hand, if you pour water on some cotton or blotting paper, they will soak up the water and take hours to dry. Preparations made from grains, wheat, rice, corn, and dahl are like cotton in our stomach. The moon attracts that water in them and diseases increase. So many people die in hospitals from Ekadasi to the full moon and Ekadasi to the new moon. To check our diseases, it is very essential to follow Ekadasi. [From Gurudeva's June 5, 1998 lecture on Ekadasi: On Ekadasi, the moon comes closer to the Earth, and therefore it attracts water from everywhere – from the sea, from the river, from our bodies, and so on. If one takes any grains on this day, the grains become like lotting-paper. If you drink water, the water will very soon pass out from the body. However, if you take grains and water together, the grains become like blotting paper or cotton – grains hold the water. Even if you squeeze the cotton, some water will remain. Similarly, if you eat any grain, it becomes like a sponge. It will hold a lot of water. The moon will attract that water, and all your diseases will increase. You can see this in the sea or ocean. At this time there are high tides and the waves become very high.] These are external reasons, for the body. I have told this for those who are attached to their bodies.

Even persons who do not believe in God should observe Ekadasi. In India, all kinds of devotees follow Ekadasi – Mayavadis (mpersonalists), Saivates (worshippers of Lord Siva), Saktas (worship of Durga-devi), and Ganesh worshippers. Both ladies and males, and children follow, but nowadays everything is finishing. Almost everyone is avoiding Ekadasi, as a very big storm from Western countries went to India and affected everywhere. In ancient times there was a king named Ambarisa Maharaja, and he was in a dilemma regarding whether or not Ekadasi should be observed fully. There was a very high class of brahmavadi named Durvasa Muni who could fly in the air, and who could go to Brahmaloka and everywhere else. He could disappear; he could take any form, and whatever he would order would happen. He could curse someone by telling him, "Oh, you should die at once," and that person would die. He was also a very angry person. Durvasa came to the palace of Ambarisa Maharaja, and Ambarisa Maharaja requested him, "Please take prasadam here today, because it is dvadasi today, paran day." [On dvadasi day, the day following the Ekadasi fast, the fast is broken and the Ekadasi observance is completed, by taking 'paran' at a prescribed exact time. -ed] Durvasa said, "I will return very soon. I am going very near, to the Yamuna River. I will take bath and do some other things, and then I will return." He went, and then knowingly delayed and came back late. Before he returned, only a few minutes remained before paran time. Ambarisa Maharaja was thinking, "What shall to do? On one side, if I take paran I will be dishonoring that maha-maha-brahmavadi, and on the other side, if I honor that brahma-jnani I will be dishonoring Ekadasi." If anyone observes Ekadasi without taking water, but does not take paran in time, then the fruits from Ekadasi go away. Ambarisa Maharaja therefore wondered what to do. At last he decided, "Let the brahmavadi be angry, no harm. He will come and curse me, saying, "You should die." No harm. In my next birth I will again be okay. On the other hand, if I dishonor Ekadasi and do not take paran in the proper time, then my bhakti will go away. I will be dishonoring Krsna Himself, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and I will be ruined forever. If my bhakti leaves, then what will be the use of honoring brahmavadis and doing other things? I should not dishonor bhakti." He then took caranamrta (the water that bathed his Deity) – without Tulasi, only water – because he had done nirjala, a full fast, on the previous day. If he had not done nirjala, then water would not have been sufficient to observe the paran. He would have had to take some grain or anything similar. Thus, he took only one drop of caranamrta to observe paran. That Rsi then returned. Knowing (by his trance) that Ambarisa Maharaja had taken the caranamrta, He gave a curse. He took one hair from his dreadlock (matted locks) and told it, "You should become fire." At once that hair became a big and powerful fire demon; Krtya, a Raksasi, or man-eating, demon. The fire demon asked Durvasa, "What I should do?" The Rsi replied, "Oh you should at once burn Ambarisa Maharaja to ashes!" He is inimical to brahma-jnani rsis! He doesn't know how to honor me!" Krtya attacked at once, but Krsna's Sudarsana Cakra (Krsna's ultimate disc-weapon) was there, always protecting devotees. We have no faith in Krsna's protection – or perhaps just a little, a shadow. We do not really believe that Krsna will come, and Cakra will come, and save us. Sudarsana is always here and there. He never destroys anyone; rather he gives su-darsana, a light by which you can see Krsna. He is always saving devotees everywhere, because he can go everywhere. He was watching and observing Durvasa Rsi and Ambarisa Maharaja. He came at once. In a moment he burnt that very big fire-demoness and began to pursue Durvasa Rsi. Why was he following Durvasa? He can fly faster than Durvasa, so why did he not catch and destroy him? Why did he only continue chasing him? This is because Durvasa Muni was actually Sankara, and Sankara is a bhakta. The apparently demonic behavior of Durvasa Muni was only to glorify Ambarisa Maharaja. Durvasa is actually a high class of devotee. He is Sankara. Chakra was following only to make a show, to make a pastime in order to glorify Ambarisa Maharaja and Ekadasi. Otherwise, even Sankara cannot escape Sudarsana Cakra. He could have been burnt. But Sankara is a manifestation of Krsna; in Brahmaloka he is Sadasiva, Visnu-tattva. Knowing this Sudarsana Cakra only chased him. Durvasa Rsi went first to the planet of his father, Brahma, who refused to help him. He then went to the planet o fLord Siva, but Siva (Sankara) also refused. And finally he approached Lord Visnu, who refused and told him, "I am not independent. I am dependent on My bhaktas." If someone gets a thorn in his foot, that thorn cannot be removed from his head; it must be removed from his foot. Visnu told him, "Bhaktas are My feet; they are My heart. I cannot save you. Go back to Ambarisa Maharaja, and if he accepts and forgives you, then okay." Durvasa Rsi immediately returned to Earth, to the palace of Ambarisa Maharaja. He fell flat at the feet of Ambarisa Maharaja and begin to pray "Oh, please forgive me." Ambarisa replied, "You should forgive me. It was because of me that Sudarsana Cakra chased you everywhere and made you suffer. First, take prasadam; then we will discuss whatever you like." Maharaja Ambarisa then served delicious prasadam to Durvasa Rsi, who saw the glory of Ambarish Maharaja.

aho ananta-dasanam mahattvam drstam adya me krtagaso 'pi yad rajan mangalani samihase ["My dear king, today I have experienced the greatness of a Vaisnava, for although I have committed a grievous offence by trying to kill you, you have prayed for my protection and well being." (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 9.4.68)] Durvasa Rsi said, "Oh, today I have seen how glorious are the Vaisnavas. So, today I must observe Ekadasi to become a devotee like you." If you want to become a devotee like Ambarisa Maharaja, or like the parents of Krsna, Nanda and Yasoda, then you must follow Ekadasi. Nanda and Yasoda followed Ekadasi in Vrndavana, and from Vrndavana they came to Ambika-kanana near Mathura and followed there. If they were doing this, why should we not? We must observe Ekadasi, and with care. Then, bhakti will come to us automatically. We must follow Ekadasi under the guidance of pure Vaisnavas, and also perform kirtana under such guidance. If you are doing bhakti, that is okay. But if he is under the guidance of a devotee who has relation with Vraja, who has Vraja-bhakti, who is rasika, knowing all tattvas, that pure devotee can remove all doubts and can put Radha, Krsna, and Mahaprabhu in your heart. Under the guidance of this calibre of Vaisnava, be always in Vrndavana, and always chant and remember. Both at the same time, chant the holy name of Krsna and remember the pastimes related to that name. For example, if you are singing, "Govinda Damodara Madhaveti, Govinda Damodara Madhaveti," you can remember the pastimes of Govinda. When there was torrential rains sent by the demigod Indra, Krsna held up Giriraja Mountain for seven days to protect the residents of Vrndavana. After seven days, Indra realized that he had committed a great offence at Krsna's lotus feet. He came to Krsna with his elephant and Saurabhi cow. He performed Krsna's abhiseka (a sacred bathing ceremony), and then told Him, "O, You are the protector of go – the cows, gopas – the cowherd men and boys, gopis – the cowherd women and girls, govatsa – the calves, the land, and all the other residents of Gokula So, Your name is appropriately 'Govinda.'" You can remember this pastime, for example. You can also remember the pastimes of Damodara. You can remember the pastime of Yasoda binding Krsna and Krsna weeping, "Mother, Mother, don't beat Me." Once, Srimati Radhika and the gopis were there sitting with Krsna. Lalita took the corner of Srimati Radhika's veil and a corner of Krsna's pitambara, and tied the two corners together. Then, all the gopis began to sing the kirtanas of marriage, and Visakha became the priest. When Radhika realized what was happening She started to run away, but Krsna was bound to Her. The gopis bound Krsna so He could not leave Srimati Radhika, He would always be with Her. In this way, he is Radha- Damodara. We remember Radha-Damodara. Srila Rupa Gosvami established the Deity of Radha-Damodara, not Yasoda-Damodara. Yasoda-Damodara is only a part of Radha Damodara. We should remember and chant like this, and always being in Vrndavana, thinking, "We are in Vrndavana with Vrajavasis." Also, when you are chanting:

jayatam suratau pangor mama manda-mater gati mat-sarvasva-padambhojau radha-madana-mohanau ["All glories to the all-merciful Sri Radha-Madana-Mohana! Although I am lame, foolish and devoid of intelligence, Your lotus feet are my refuge and my everything!" (Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 1.15)] divyad-vrndaranya-kalpa-drumadhah srimad ratnagara-sinhasana-sthau sri-sri-radha-srila-govinda-devau presthalibhih sevyamanau smarami

["I meditate upon Sri Sri Radha-Govinda-deva, who are seated beneath a kalpa-vrksa tree on an effulgent bejeweled sinhasana in the supremely beautiful land of Vrndavana, where They are always being served by Their beloved sakhis, headed by Lalita and Visakha.This Govinda, this pastime surrounded by all the gopis." (Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 1.16) ...You can remember the pastimes of Krsna surrounded by all the gopis.

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