Shri Nilachal Dham

Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja

At first He was in Navadvipa, from childhood up to kisora-lila, reading and writing. When He was 24 years old He left His home and came to Jagannatha Puri, and there He gave mercy to Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. After that He went to South India, and there He met Raya Ramananda at Godavari. Raya Ramananda saw Him in mahabhava (as Radha) and as Rasika Sekhara (Krsna). He saw Rasaraja Mahabhava, Srimati Radhika and Krsna combined, and he fainted. After that Mahaprabhu returned to Puri and enjoyed the vipralambha-bhava of Srimati Radhika.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed His kisora-lila in Navadvipa, and therefore Navadvipa is Vrndavana. Srila Narottama dasa Thakura and others have explained that it is non-different from Vrndavana, but they have not said that Jagannatha-ksetra is Vrndavana. Rather, it represents Dvaraka or Kuruksetra. Those who follow Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and do bhajana in Navadvipa will come out in Vrndavana on the bank of the Yamuna at Vamsivat. This has been written and revealed by our acaryas, but they have never said that Jagannatha Puri is Vrndavana. Sri Ksetra means Laksmi Ksetra, where Satyabhama and Rukmini, or Maha Laksmi, reside. If a person leaves his body in Jagannatha Puri, he becomes four-handed, but this is not so in Vrndavana and Navadvipa. There, one will become two handed like the associates of Radha and Krsna. Therefore, Navadvipa is superior to Jagannatha Puri.

The four places are Navadvipa, Puri, Godavari and Vrndavana. Vrndavana and Navadvipa are the same, but they are seen as two. At the time of sadhana, Navadvipa it is seen as Navadvipa, and in the siddha stage it is seen as Vrndavana. In sadhanavasta (the stage of performing sadhana) we will see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the form of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, but when we become siddha we will see: "Oh, Radha and Krsna have both become Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu." So both are one. On the other hand, in the intense separation of divyonmada, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to see Puri as Kuruksetra and Dvaraka. As far as Godavari is concerned, it is Mahaprabhu's 'school.' He learned from His siksa-guru, Visakha devi, in the school of Srila Raya Ramananda, and after that He returned to Puri. In Puri, He was always absorbed in Vrndavana.

Places in Puri

  • Lord Jagannath temple
  • Gambhira (Sri Radha Kanta Math)
  • Tota Gopinath temple
  • Siddha Bakul
  • Haridas Thakur Samadhi, Swargadwar
  • Gundicha temple
  • Narendra Sarovar
  • Gangamata Math – Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya’s House

I explained that here in Puri there is only lamentation in the mood of separation. I said that the acaryas in our disciplic line are associates of Srimati Radhika – as palya-dasi. We want that Srimati Radhika is always cheerful, and She is cheerful when She is with Krsna. We are pleased when Krsna searches Radhika, when Radhika is hidden in a kunja and Krsna is calling, "Where is Radha? Where is Radha? Where is Radha, Lalita, Visakha and the others?" The gopis are very pleased, thinking, "Oh, today He is searching." They are all in a good mood, and Radhika is so joyful. We should always be pleased in that way.

Here in Puri, Radhika is always calling, "O Krsna! O Krsna! O Krsna!" We don't want that. We select as the best place that place where Krsna will search – in a place like Radha-kunda. Krsna approaches Radhika and serves Her feet, and at that time Radhika is proud and enjoys so much. Here in Puri there is no rasa-lila. Here there is a separation mood; no meeting.

It is extremely important. For us, at our stage, the mood of separation is more helpful than meeting. But we want that Srimati Radhika should be always pleased. Here She is always weeping and weeping. We don't want to see Radhika constantly weeping.

But Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is in the mood of Radhika. We consider Vrndavana the best place. It is the where Radhika will place Her feet in the lap of Krsna and He will paint His name on them. Krsna will then keep Her feet on His head and heart, and that fresh color will make a stamp-like print on His body. He is always serving Her there; there She says, "Oh, He loves Me best." We want that; but for sadhana, separation is helpful. Without separation we cannot advance an inch further.

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