Jai Srila B.V Muni Maharaj 🙏 Our Beloved God Brother, Loving Friend, Naam Nishta Vaishnav, Most Humble, True disciple , Temple Present, Great Leader, Loving & Caring Srila Muni Maharaj entered the pastimes with Gaur Nityananda yesterday. I offer my respectful, humble , Koti Koti Dandvats and Pushpanjali to Sril Muni Maharaj. Sril Muni Maharaj is a born devotee , from childhood Maharaj ji is doing bhajan puja serving Srila Raghavendra Swami, following Ekadashi, visiting temples. At very young age Srila Muni Maharaj joined ISKCON Bangalore and served in different departments . Maharaj favourite seva is Pujari seva and he served as head Pujari in ISKCON Bangalore for many years. Maharaj ji told us how he meet his beloved Gurdev and joined Gudiya Matha. By his sincere and honest service to Sri Radha Krishna Chandra he got Gurdev’s Jaiva dharma book. Maharaj ji use to tell us how he use to hide and cover books with newspaper so that other temple devotees don’t complain to management about reading Gudiya Matha books. After reading Jaiva Dharma, Maharaj developed deep desire for Rasik Vaishnav Sanga so he came to Vrindavan. Maharaj stayed in Ramareti and served Lord Balaram Temple as Pujara under local devotee. There he meets Srila Gurudev B.V Narayan Maharaj disciples and moved to Mathura Matha under Premanand Prabhuji. Maharaj ji served in Mathura Matha for some time and learnt deep Gaudiya Vaishnav philosophy . Gurudev told Maharaj to be under the guidance of Sriman Premanand Prabhu and Maharaj ji spend his life following order of Prabhuji from core to heart. In 2004 Srila Gurudev sent Srila Muni Maharaj to take lead in Bangalore for preaching. Every year Maharaj ji use to take devotees from Bangalore to Vrindavan Parikama and Navadip Parikama. Srila Muni Maharaj, Srila Vaikhansa Maharaj and other devotees established several centers around Bangalore in Okhalipuram, HSR, Khagadaspura and finally Kuttaganhalli Sri Radha Govind Gaudiya Matha. After Srila Vaikhansa Maharaj moving to US for preaching Srila Muni Maharaj took full responsibilities of preaching activities in Bangalore doing house programs, taking care of temple administration, managing devotee relationship , expanding matha, helping disciples. Maharaj love and care made everyone to feel relationship with Matha. We never saw Maharaj sitting idle , either he is chanting, hearing harikatha or doing some seva. What we heard in shastra as symptom of bhav bhakti “kṣāntir avyartha-kālatvaṁ, viraktir māna-śūnyatā, āśā-bandhaḥ samutkaṇṭhā, nāma-gāne sadā ruciḥ, āsaktis tad-guṇākhyāne, prītis tad-vasati-sthale, ity ādayo 'nubhāvāḥ syur , jāta-bhāvāṅkure jane “ is what we see practically in Maharaj life. I pray to Maharaj for his causeless mercy and blessing and May Srila Gurudev give him service at his lout feet serving Sri Radha Govind ju eternally. 🙏