Translation of Spiritual books

There is a famous verse in Vighada Madhava where Rupa Goswami says that one mouth and one pair of the ear is insufficient to relish the name of Krishna, and he aspires to have millions of mouth and ears to be absorbed and feel the ecstatic bliss of chanting and hearing the holy names on and on.

After reading this composition by Srila Rupa Goswami, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu started crying in ecstasy and mentioned that Srila Rupa Goswami is one who understands Him deeply and is the foremost Vaishnav of all.

Some amongst many books written by Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhupada are:

  • The Nectar of Instruction
  • The Nectar of Devotion
  • Ujjwala Nilamani
  • Hamsa Duta
  • Mathura Mahatmya
  • Padyavali
  • Siddhanta Ratna
  • Kavya Kaustubha

Bhajan Sthali of Rupa Goswami

We endeavour to purify ourselves by translating these precious assets in different languages of the world.

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